
Learn with passion to live with purpose.

Fine Art of Hash Making is an online trade school for hash makers established in October 2023. Instructors can recruit other instructors to make there own hash making courses available to the public.

What Make Us Special?

Established by Hash Makers for Hash Makers.


Who we are

A collection of hash makers devoted to the cannabis plant who enjoy sharing the knowledge we have acquired over the years. Instructors recommend and recruit other instructors.
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Passionate hash makers with years of experience create courses that are available to the public. The instructor has free range to create and publish the courses they choose.
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First register for an account. Then search through the available courses and instructors. Find a course you want to take, purchase it, and start studying to expand your hash making experience.
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Meet Our Instructors

Tom Humphrey
Founder / Instructor
Hash Fiend

A Great Place to Grow